
終於找到一份還不錯的reward file
是可以用在LC level的


又是R&R=Reward and Recognition



Reward and Recognition:


Sydney and the Region




Reward and Recognition is something that I personally feel very passionate about, but it is also something that I think can be dramatically improved at a national, regional, and LC level. Here are some of the thoughts that I have been having in this area, so that people in our region are constantly motivated and excited to be AIESECers…but first a few thoughts from me:


        All the ideas that I propose will only be meaningful, and only be of value so long as we-the executive board-present an attitude that that they are important.  If we personally do not embrace such systems, or ideas, then I feel that that attitude will filter down to the new members and the intent of creating an LC culture of rewarding, recognising, motivating and appreciating our members and their achievements will not be fully achieved.


So guys please read and give me your feedback ASAP!


Monthly Honouree Nights


Ideally, these would be conducted at a regional level, but if not I see no reason not to conduct them in Sydney alone. The point is very simple: To Honor an outstanding AIESECer every month.  That would mean that between March and July that we would be honoring four people either in our LC or in our region. So how exactly could this be done without it being wanky or unfairly determined?



Award Packs


This could be done both regionally or at the LC level.  I am thinking that this would be awarded monthly in tangent with monthly honoree nights. An award pack is a $20 prize pack with things personally picked by the RB or LCP for the recipient. For example, Lilian is always happy so it may include a smiley badge to remind her of that quality she possesses. This is a making the person feel extra special award, and it is great because it means that someone in management has taken the time, money and thought into preparing the package and personalizing it.



Learning Newsletter


  • National Learning Incentive


  • Quarterly Editions


  • LC’s can submit their best case practices


  • Learning Legends profiles (four people recognised in a year for outstanding work in member, trainee or OGX learning!


  • Wacky Ideas, surveys etc
  • NC Comment


Regional Conference Awards


  • Aswell as major awards have a ‘Learning Award’


National Learning Quest 2001


National Learning Award


  • To be presented at July and December conferences


‘You’ve been caught living the values’ Awards


These are a way to award people immediately, rather than waiting until the end of the month or important conferences i.e. July, State.  They are certificates that members can display in their induction folders, or in their diaries. Whenever someone – any member, regardless of position - catches another member doing something exceptional, really living by the values or achieving results, they can issue on of these certificates.


So, what is the point of this type of recognition?  Firstly, it is personal.  It is one member communicating to another member ‘hey I think you are a fantastic AIESECer today because….’ and it may mean that such communication actually takes place.  For example, a member may be comfortable issuing a certificate but otherwise may not have felt comfortable verbally communicating how awesome a job that Joe AIESECer has done. Secondly, such awards cannot possibly be detrimental.  At most, they may motivate a member, but at the very least, they are sure to bring a satisfied smile and make someone’s week.  Thirdly, when received a copy is made by me for record purposes and to track the motivation, and fulfill my role as a ‘happiness monitor’.


Personal Time and Attention


  • Taking someone out to lunch/breakfast if they achieve something or have lived the values exceptionally and shouting them their meal


  • Shouting them a drink at pub night


  • Verbally telling them what an awesome job they have done and getting excited about it


  • Email Appreciation


  • Cards, notes etc


  • Telling others of their achievements so that it gets back to them


  • Other random ideas welcomed guys!!!!




‘This is your AIESEC life’ Presentations


  • Perhaps can be a theme of the monthly honoree nights


  • Fun and also rewards a person


  • Everyone has to come because everyone has to say a few words about the person so it actually gets people there.



Website Delight


·        LC website constructed


  • Page and links for special members and profiles of those members


  • Photo of awesome person, cartoon of fun


Team Awards

Individual Task ‘Random’ Reward


  • For example if you give the TNDP to a member to read, then put post it notes through it with little encouragement messages, and saying something like ‘You have made it this far, so to the right corner of the office and find a mars bar in the second drawer.


  • How cool is that, only something minor but motivating nevertheless!


  • This is where your creative energies can flow!!!!!!! THINK Wacky!


Trainee Personalized Cards


  • Trainees all sign and personally message a person in the region for learning each month and this is sent to their house.




Top Gun Day 2001


  • Regional motivation tool


  • Criteria to attend


  • Promote heavily amongst the first years that if they fulfill the criteria the will be eligible to attend.


  • Top quality people and motivating to think one of best


NSW Company Award Night (Half-Yearly)


  • Monetary award i.e. $250 or conference subsidy from a state or national sponsor


  • Money motivation is great for poor AIESECers



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