

來當作下一週的練習(^   ^)



第五章 恐懼是一種正面的力量(CH5 Feer is a positive power)


練習部份 (Practice Part):

(1)活在自己的時間 (Live within your time)

問題:我總是看到許多機會,我喜歡新的可能,但這樣做讓我失去焦點。突然間我無法處理生命中真正重要的事晴。(Problem:I always looks many good Challenges, and I like to take any new things. However, living that style make me loose focus. It make me can;t deal what really important in my life.)


開始自己的時間:(Have your own time)

→至少一天不要看時鐘,手錶,或是任何報時工具,告訴身邊的人你不想知道正確的時間(Do't watch any clock, watch or any tools that can tell you time, and ask people around me do not tell you.)

你可以設定倒數計時器,紀錄每一項工作花了多久,但是不需要定截止時間,不需要有壓力,好好專注在一件事情上面(You can set a counter to account the total time for each task. But you don't need to have deadline or pressure. Just focus on what you want to do.)


(2)別擔心,儘管去做(Just do it)

不要擔心未來(Don't woory future things)

將自己視為宇宙的英雄,回應內心探險的呼喚,相信自己可以做好每一件事情。(Seeing yourself as the hero of the universe. Recall the calling from your deep heart, and believe you can do every things well)


練習打坐,放空自己,紀錄前後感覺。(Make yourself empty, and record the difference betwwen before andafter)

每天空出半小時來擔心,在其他時間則不准擔心(Set a half hour to worry things, than forbiden to worry exept that time)

選擇一件你一直很煩惱擔心,拖延的大事,然後別擔心,儘管去做(Choose one important thing that you keep worry and make it delay. Just do it.)

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