Then ~~~
After think about that, it will be better.
I, myself should not be shame about too easy to have feeling with someone.
Cuz it's part of the wonderful wold, just like other wonderful things in lives. (And it's so reasonable la~~. Good looking +40 , kindness +50.)
So I should learn more is to take it easy keep myself. Catch something if time is ready.
Suddenly I think about one of my frovote japanese drama "Medicail Dragon"
I am hearing the music " Aesthetic " now, the song really helpful to make people relax.
And also make people remind some important, worth sarcrifiyng things in their lives.
In the Chap 4,the 朝田龍太郎 told 伊集院.
我一點也不堅強 不管是誰都不夠堅強
不過只要是為了某人 誰都能夠變得堅強
每個人都不夠堅強 不過為了某人卻能夠變得堅強
只要想到這點 就沒什麼好怕的
伊集院 你並不是一個人
This part is really thouch me now. But a little difference.
We should to admit our nonperfect. It's quite hard.
But what's more hard is, you know you eager to change, and find the courage to do so.
There are so many people, and reasons to support you do so.
Hape me can back quickly, and restart my tracking to become "kiala kiala~~~".